Parvin is al zeker 10 jaar mijn vaste kapper en nog altijd super goed gedaan 👍
Styling door Parvin•
TonerToon alles…
NATHALIE•meer dan 4 jaar geleden
I had the package for coloring (ombre, sombre, and balayage) and cutting my hair next to cleaning my eyebrows. It took around 5 hours and it cost around 260 Euro. I am really happy about the result. I wish I have done this sooner. Parvin is professional, friendly, and trustworthy.
I had the refusal of about 3-4 other beauty salons. They rejected me due to my pure black hair and saying no we can not make your hair so blond in only one round. Parvin did this possible. Many thanks :)
Behandeling door Parvin•
TonerToon alles…
sahar•meer dan 4 jaar geleden
Super mooie beauty salon!
Heel, minutieus! Top resultaat
Behandeling door Parvin•Wenkbrauwen - threaden
Lealy•meer dan 4 jaar geleden
As usual, a visit to Parvin is a real treat, next to her friendliness, she does an amazing job
Definitely worth coming to her salon