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Geschreven door onze klanten, zodat je weet wat je kan verwachten bij elke salon.
Loanny is very kind, however I did not feel the price/treatment ratio was worth it. For pedicure esthethique I got a quick scrub down of callus, nail clipping and nail polish. Finished within 15 minutes. Nothing I could not have done myself at home. I am used to getting much more extensive treatment for a pedicure (also if it is not pedicure medicale) and this price. I still have dry and grown cuticles, callus, nail corners. In addition, apparently I should have brought sandals according to Loanny, because "nail polish will stick to your shoes." (I did wear loose shoes). This seemed very odd to me. I've been to many salons and never was I frowned upon for not bringing open shoes. Isn't it custom to let clients leave with dry polish and feet? (Besides, it was raining outside. Imagine winter). Loanny did use a drying liquid so that I could put on my shoes. Again, Loanny was friendly but I did not receive the service and treatment I am used to.
Prestation de qualité ( venue pour une épilation), Loanny montre un grand professionnalisme et savoir-faire. À recommander
Sympathique esthéticienne qui bien travaille et en douceur. Pleine de bonnes intentions pour sa clientèle.
Top service tres classe et produits et prestations de haute qualité
Super salon !!! Rien à dire, épilation impeccable et fait avec rapidité et efficacité !! Petit plus: beaucoup de petites crèmes apaisant et sentant bon après épilation. Et surtout accueil doux et paisible. Sans oublier qu'il y a une carte de fidélité très intéressant. Soit, je suis devenue fan et certainement cliente régulière ! Merci Loanny :-)