You will never find a better massage than you will here. Istvan Is incredibly skilled and experienced. No matter what kind of massage you have booked you can be guaranteed that he will pay complete attention to the needs of your body and will deliver the most amazing massage you have ever experienced. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Réalisé par Istvan•Massage des tissus profonds
Simon•il y a environ 1 an
Voir la réponse du salon...
A massage with Istvan is an unforgettable experience! A wonderful atmosphere of absolute, blissful relaxation that makes you fall asleep. Istvan is a great professional, excellent at his craft. His office is spotlessly clean. From the moment you enter you know you've come to the right place :) I recommend it wholeheartedly!
Réalisé par Istvan•Massage Suédois
Ewa•il y a environ 1 an
Voir la réponse du salon...
The deep-tissue massage was very relaxing, i can highly recommend it. The place is super clean and calm, Istvan is friendly and a great massage therapist.