Great massage experience done by an experienced masseur. The place is very clean, extremely pleasant and relaxing and welcoming in every possible way! Highly recommend Istvan for his professionalism and great hands!
Réalisé par Istvan•Massage des tissus profonds
Anna•il y a environ 1 an
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Great, will return
Réalisé par Istvan•Massage des tissus profonds
Eric•il y a environ 1 an
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Great experience
Réalisé par Istvan•Massage Suédois
Lázár•il y a environ 1 an
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Nice body message, I relaxed after it 👍🏻
Réalisé par Istvan•Massage Lomi Lomi
abrar•il y a environ 1 an
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You will never find a better massage than you will here. Istvan Is incredibly skilled and experienced. No matter what kind of massage you have booked you can be guaranteed that he will pay complete attention to the needs of your body and will deliver the most amazing massage you have ever experienced. I cannot recommend him highly enough.