Hyperhidrosis Treatment

Also known as:

Excessive Sweating

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We all know what it’s like to find ourselves dripping on a hot day or after a tough workout – but for some, perspiration is a permanent problem. If you find that excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, makes you embarrassed to go to work or socialise with friends, don’t worry – help is at hand.

What can you expect from a hyperhidrosis treatment?

There’s no need to sweat it. Botox can be injected to stop the brain’s signals to the sweat glands. You heard that right - Botox isn't only used for getting rid of those fine lines and wrinkles - Botox also has other qualities and is also commonly used to treat hyperhidrosis. The effect may last up to 6 months and the treatments, usually lasting no longer than 30 minutes, are without side effects!

Know before you go

  • Saying no to spicy foods and alcohol as well as avoiding tight and restrictive clothing can ease symptoms, so you might want to try these tactics first.
  • Prescription antiperspirants are also available – your doctor may be able to prescribe one for you to help you stop the sweat.
  • Those mulling over surgery should know there’s a chance of the hyperhidrosis shifting to another part of the body.

The sciencey stuff

Sweating is a natural reaction when your body's working harder. Once cooled down, the nerves that signal sweating are put on hold. With hyperhidrosis, the sweat glands never shut off. This falls into two categories – primary hyperhidrosis, which affects the hands, underarms, face, and feet with no apparent reason, and secondary hyperhidrosis which impacts a bigger area of the body and can be caused by a medical condition or medication. If you’re not sure which you suffer from, it’s worth checking in with your doctor.

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