De schoonheidsspecialiste is kalm, geruststellend en doet de behandeling grondig. Ze geeft ook goede tips & tricks. Ze is aangenaam en vriendelijk , zonder opdringerig te zijn.
Het salon is een aanwinst voor Tervuren en omstreken.
Treatment by Twiggy•Facials
Colette•6 months ago
heel fijn
Treatment by Twiggy•Relaxing Massage
Deleu•6 months ago
Twiggy really took the time to make sure I had the best experience I could have. She's very very good and uses two different waxes to get all the hairs. We talked a lot about myself, my needs and the expectations.
Twiggy explained the process, she went through all the after care and the salon was lovely, clean, quiet, a nice experience
I will definitely be back in 6 weeks 🩷
Treatment by Twiggy•Male Waxing
Suzy•6 months ago
Heel aangenaam super blij met men wenkbrauwen huid behandeling was super