Super lieve dame, legde heel precies uit wat ze stap voor stap deed! Ik raad het zeker aan.
Treatment by Anna •Brazilian Waxing
Math•21 days ago
Really nice, Quick and well done
Treatment by Anna •Brazilian Waxing
Anthea V.•21 days ago
Since coming to Anna I have seen enormous improvements in my skin. Thanks to the personalized facial treatment and advice that Anna gave, my skin has become much more beautiful. The pigments and wide pores are almost invisible, my skin has become smoother and softer. Thank you Anna
You are the best!
Treatment by Beautician •Anti-aging facial
Nancy•24 days ago
Het was professioneel en snel uitgevoerd. Enige werkpuntje: soms was de wax heel warm, wat voor soms een onaangenaam gevoel gaf