Again, for the best manicure/acrilyc nails this is the best place in Antwerp by far.
Anna’s work is just perfect! Top place with top service!
Treatment by Viktoria•Gel Nails Manicure
kim•about 5 years ago
Safia doet haar werk geweldig!!!
Jupayeva•about 5 years ago
Safia, the best!!!
Hard Gel Extensions & Overlays
Lilita•about 5 years ago
Being a native Russian speaker myself I understood all the conversations employees had but I felt like I was intruding on a private party and felt uncomfortable by unwillingly becoming part to it. It was very unprofessional. Good management needed.
As for the manicure itself, the lady didn’t ask me whether I want to keep the length of my nails and just clipped them right off. The application of the gellack was very bad with parts of my nails at the side being totally not covered by the polish.
Gel Nails Manicure
Anonymous•about 5 years ago
I was a little late, she still managed to finish in time.
Thank you.